Friday, December 4, 2009

HRIS Return on Investment

ROI can be a difficult thing to show when it comes to HR software. How do you quantify improving efficiency and more easily preventing costly fines related to compliance issues.

HRIS/HRMS helps HR staff to organize data and work more efficiently and frees their time to concentrate on more strategic tasks. Having the data easily accessible through the program and a number of standard reports helps HR to better serve employees and reduce turn over. On the same note, HR software can help HR to identify personnel problems and take corrective action early on.

Business Managers often see things only in terms of the bottom line and ROI. HR Managers need to take a look outside the box when trying to justify an HR software system. One way to do this is to document current manual processes and the time required to manage these processes. The time saved by implementing an HRIS can then be used to determine the savings in dollars. Historic and potential cases of compliance violations can be used to show how having the data organized in the HR software can help shield the organization from fines and lawsuits.

The justification for HRIS/HRMS systems is there, it is just a matter of presenting it in terms Business Managers will understand.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Human Resources Needs HRIS - HRMS

Human Resources plays a critical role in any workplace and has a whole lot more to keep track of than most Non-HR folks could imagine. HR is there from the start when recruiting efforts are being made to fill positions throughout the workplace and assisting departmental managers in choosing qualified candidates. HR manages the hiring of staff, ensuring that legal compliance issues are being adhered to, benefits are started and assisting the new staff member in becoming part of the organizational family. Many HR departments are intimately involved with tracking staff training and certifications. Inevitably Leave & Attendance issues also fall onto HR shoulders. HR is there when there is a need to handle disciplinary issues or grievances in a discreet and professional manner as well. To put it shortly, HR is involved in nearly every facet of an Employee's life within the workplace.

With so much information to manage and keep track of, what HR Department couldn't use an HRIS (Human Resources Information System)? The role of HRIS in HR is to securely manage HR data and streamline HR processes making it easier to retrieve data and generate required reports. Many smaller businesses find themselves managing employee data in Excel spreadsheets. This becomes inadequate very quickly when trying to manage different related information such as job/compensation history, training management, benefits elections etc.

Having been written in Microsoft Office Access 2007, the HR Data Manager software was designed to meet the data tracking and reporting needs of HR Departments both large and small. With full source code available, the software is fully customizable and either your programmers or ours can make it do exactly what you need it to do.

Take the first step to better tracking of HR Data today by downloading the Free 30 Day trial of the HR Data Manager from

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Small Business HR Software

While the HR Data Manager ( is not only for small business, it is a good solution designed to meet small business needs and priced to be affordable unlike many of the larger HRIS / HRMS applications on the market.

The HR Data Manager is fully customizable making it a perfect option for all kinds of business. The core HR Features usually found only in larger enterprise solutions are included and with the Full Source or Deluxe Editions, the HR Data Manager can be modified to meet your unique needs.

Written in Microsoft Access, the HR Data Manager integrates with your existing Microsoft Office products including Word, Excel and Visio. Whether you dabble with Microsoft Access, have and Access Programmer, or want us to make modifications for you, the HR Data Manager provides the ultimate level of customization ability.

You can try the free trial version today at


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tough Times Call for Smart Solutions

In a previous post from last year I had mentioned a Manager that I once worked for that insisted that everything implemented be expensive Enterprise level solutions... even if only four people were ever going to use the software.

Times have changed. Mid to large sized companies are now looking for smart solutions that will not break their limited budgets. Enterprise HR systems like SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft (Oracle) can be extremely expensive to purchase and have high costs associated with keeping them going. Developing an HR Solution in house is also very costly and time consuming.

Many are looking for the best of both worlds when it comes to in house development by purchasing a Fully Customizable HRIS / HRMS software system that they can modify and build upon.

The HR Data Manager ( software's Full Source Edition comes with all source code and files. Written in Microsoft Access with the programming in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the software is perfect for Small Businesses wanting to use it on a single workstation. At the same time, with its full compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server as a backend data source, it is scaleable and perfect for large organizations as well. Best of all it can be tweaked to meet your unique needs either by the programmers at HR Data Manager or your own programmers or in house MS Access power user. Did I mention that it costs under a thousand dollars?

The HR Data Manager includes Applicant Tracking, Employee Records, Performance Appraisal Management, Training Records, Benefit Management, Job Descriptions and much more.

Feel free to download a Free 30 Day Trial today at

Thank You!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just how customizable is the HR Data Manager ?

For those who have worked any significant amount in Microsoft Access, it probably is not hard to imagine the freedom of customization available in the HR Data Manager Full Source Edition. For those who have not worked with Microsoft Access, check it out. The HR Data Manager is able to provide fully customizable HRIS / HRMS software because it is built on the number one desktop database software platform available on the market - Microsoft Access 2007.

Using the power of Microsoft Access 2007 with the HR Data Manager opens the door to making the software provide you with whatever unique needs you may have.

The screenshot below shows the HR Data Manager in Microsoft Access Design View giving access to change the form layout and field properties.

If you are having trouble finding the HR database to meet your needs, this is the product for you. Try the Free Trial today at

Thank you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why Buy Access 2007 - Revisited

I know we have covered the subject of why it is beneficial to buy Microsoft Access 2007 instead of using the runtime version before, but there is good reason to bring it up again.

One of the great features in the new 3.15 version of the HR Data Manager is the Ad-Hoc Pivot Table reports. The runtime (Free) version of Microsoft Access does not have all the menu options and right mouse click menu that the purchased version has. Users of the runtime version of Access can still use the Pivot Table reports, but at a much less powerful level.

With the purchased version of Microsoft Access, users can show/hide detail which is great for seeing just counts, sums, averages etc. without the detailed information. They also have nearly unlimited control over how to manipulate the view of the data.

While the HR Data Manager software does not require the purchased version of Microsoft Access 2007, the user experience is much richer and more powerful with it.

Thank you - HR Data Manager Development Team

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Small Business - Do You Use HR Software?

Does your small business have employees? If so, are you using software to manage your employee information? You probably should be.

There are numerous benefits of having HR Software for your small business including more accurate records, quick access to reports, help keeping compliant with regulations including ADA, FLSA, FMLA and much more.Today, HR Software is not just for big companies. No matter what the size of your business, chances are there is HR Software Big Enough or Small Enough to meet your needs.

The HR Data Manager ( is designed for small and medium sized organizations and is fully customizable when using the Full Source Edition. The HR Data Manager can help you improve your operational efficiency when it comes to employee data management.

Check it out today at and download a free 30 Day Trial.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Microsoft Access 2007

Why should you go out and buy Microsoft Access 2007 when using the HR Data Manager software when the software comes with the Runtime?

While the HR Data Manager comes with and can be run with the Microsoft Access 2007 runtime version, the user experience is much richer using the full version from Microsoft. The runtime version does not have "right click" menus or standard toolbars. Using the purchased version allows you to have access to field sorting options, filtering options and much more. Using the purchased version of Microsoft Access also gives you direct access to tables and queries within the application.

If using the Full Source Edition of the HR Data Manager, the only way to make modifications is with the purchased version of Microsoft Access 2007.

Though it is not required, purchasing Access is highly recommended.


HR Data Manager

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tracking HRIS Data in Excel

In these tough economic times, I am seeing more and more information posted on the web about tracking HR Data in Excel. Is this a good idea?

The short answer is - NO. While Excel is great for manipulating and rearranging data, it is not good at handling complex relational data.

What's That? Complex Relational Data. As an example, One employee may have had a history of many positions within an organization. One employee may have many entries related to leave and attendance. One employee may have many entries related to benefits. The list goes on and on. Tracking this in Excel without duplicating data and increasing your chances for error is a nightmare.

If you are a small or medium business and large solutions such as PeopleSoft and SAP are not in your budget, you can look to more appropriate tools than Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Access is a relational database system capable of managing complex data and sharing within small workgroups. To see an HRIS created with Microsoft Access, see Full Source Code is available allowing you to expand upon what is there and create what you want.

Good Luck with your HRIS searches and just remember to use the right tool for the right job.



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tough Times Not Time To Cut Some Corners

Well, I guess we are a little over due for a post looking at Frosty in the post below.

Near the end of the year common folk throughout the country were shocked by events that our leaders should have seen coming through at least the last two Presidents.

In these tough times, businesses small and large are seeking ways to cut corners. Owners, Managers and CEO's must be careful to ensure they are cutting fat and not muscle. While it is great to look for ways to operate more efficiently and save money, some corners should not be cut.

Regardless of the economy, a good HRIS system will help businesses more efficiently track data and ensure government compliance while avoiding costly fines from the government for being found out of compliance.

Small and Medium sized organizations can help ensure they are compliant with government rules by using the HR Data Manager ( HRIS system designed specifically for small and medium business. Available for between $599.95 and $999.95 for a five user network license, businesses can be be efficient and compliant for a fraction of the cost associated with government fines or costly employee lawsuits.

Some food for thought as we endure a difficult 2009!
