Wednesday, August 4, 2010

IRCA Compliance in the United States

If you are an Employer in the United States, it is as important as ever to ensure your organization is compliant with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. While the previous Presidential administration conducted more workplace raids to round up and deport undocumented workers, the current Presidential administration has spent more time going after the Employers of undocumented workers and levying hefty fines against those Employers.

It is critical that you have the ability to document I9 related information for your employees and have the ability to know when an employee’s authorization to work in the United States is going to expire.

U.S. users of the HR Data Manager ( HRIS/HRMS are able to track detailed Employee information including I9 information and work authorization end dates for those who are not United States Citizens. Reports can easily be created showing upcoming expirations.

Try the HR Data Manager Free for 30 Days -