Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2011 New Year’s Resolution

2011 is coming up fast and it is the perfect time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Not the usual ones like losing weight or giving more to your favorite charity. How about your WORK resolutions, the ones that will set you apart within your organization?

It is the perfect time to make a resolution to get organized in 2011. It is time to get rid of those cumbersome spreadsheets and paper trails and implement a Human Resources Management System in your HR Department.

The HR Data Manager HRIS/HRMS can help your organization to reign in Employee related data and provide numerous benefits over spreadsheets or other manual forms of data tracking. Our software securely stores your data in a central repository putting data retrieval at your fingertips and allowing reports to be generated in minutes. Use of our software reduces data redundancy which often leads to errors and discrepancies within the data. Data entry becomes a breeze with our intuitive interface and dropdown selections for common data elements. Easily retrieve both current and historic data for common information such as positions held, compensation history, training etc.

You can download a FREE 30 Day Trial of the HR Data Manager from our website (www.hrdatamanager.com) and see how easy it can make the New Year for you and your department allowing you to concentrate organizational goals and service rather than data management and manipulation.

Thank you!

HR Data Manager Team